Photo shows that we combine listening to music with watching movies, two systems, the music system consists of:
- DIY PC with fanless PSU running Foobar2000
- Naim CD5 DIY turntable with modified arm
- Twindac+ connected to PC via USB
- WAD DIY KLPP1 pre-amp WAD
- DIY KaT88 power amp
- Cardos Quadlink-5C speaker cable
- Oris 200 horns with AER MD1 drivers
- BD30 amps Onken cabinet (collected from Calais) with Vifa drivers
Movie system consists of:
- Barco Graphics 808s projector
- 1.3 gain screen
- Panasonic RP82 DVD with SDI mod
- Lumagen Vison Pro scaler
- JVC D-VHS player
- Lexicon MC-1 controller
- Parasound HCA1205A 5 channel amp
- Avalon Symbol front speakers
- WAD KLS10 DIY rear speakers
- KEF 200c centre Velodyne
- SPL1200 Sub
- Auralex room treatment
...and finally I have a 50w amp driving two "bass shakers" attached to the settee so I can get from "tingly" to "Oh my gosh" in one sitting.